Friday, October 14, 2011

Things from First Cardmarking

We have had great things going on over the last six weeks as reported out by many staff members. Here is a sampling of those:

Mr. Perry says:
To kick off the first ever ELA 10/U.S. History team class, we are starting the school year with a marking period-long series of games we call "The 51st State Competition." Students have formed groups, and each group has created a submission for the 51st state to the Union. Each group had to design a flag, map, and create Official State Documents for their submission. Now, every Friday, groups compete for points based on knowledge of the 50 states (everything from capital city, current governor, state symbols, nickname, etc.) as well as the United States Presidents. At the end of six weeks, the group with the most accumulated points will receive a prize. The students are having fun, learning valuable information about the country, and getting more comfortable with the team-class setting by collaborating with others in several team-building activities.

Ms. Schwarb received this email from a parent:

I just wanted to let you know that I'm very impressed with your website, it will really help us out at home knowing what's expected of Ben on a weekly basis.

From Mrs. Amann:

Today began "Conversation Wednesdays" in Spanish 4. Every Wednesday we back off on perfecting grammar and instead focus on just getting the students speaking in Spanish. The goal is for students to leave Spanish 4 comfortable using the language in every day situations. All of the students came prepared with a topic to speak about and then had to respond to impromptu follow up questions. They were awesome!

This is from Ms. Rushton our new counselor:

Coming new to a high school after being in a middle school for 17 years was a bit daunting. Just like new students, I was afraid that I wouldn't have any friends and that I wouldn't know what to do. I hope that new students have found the same wonderful experience I have had of being greeted by so many warm and friendly staff, students, and parents who are eager to help me and make me feel comfortable. I couldn't be happier. Well, maybe if we started school at 10 a.m. :)

These are just a few things making Lakeland a great place to Celebrate.

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